What I like about my brother is that when he found my porno folder, he didn't tell mom. Now that I live away from my parent's place, I don't bother to hide the XXX folder.
Regarding sibling blackmail, there's one guranteed method to get by it. It's save me two decades of stress and always having the upper hand when dealing with my brother and/or sister.
It works like this (true story):
Bro: Ou! I'm telling!
777: No you won't.
(brothers run to kitchen)
(translated from spanish)
777: Mom, I had to hit my brother.
Mom: What?! Why did you do that?
777: He spit at me. (he really did)
Bro: No I didn't. (he lies about it)
Mom: Joe, how many times have you told you to stop spitting at people? Go to your room!
777 wins
With 25 gigs of media, it's time to get a DVD burner. they hold 4.7 gigs each. More if you splurge on dual-layer blank dvds. If you have money to burn, get a Blue-ray disk burner, and put all that porno on one disk.