Yeah, I used the standard sight-and-stock two-point (front slung) almost exclusively until I got into the steel plate circus scene... now I'm seeing the advantages of the single point on the flat range, as you pointed out above. The need to transition firing shoulders quickly overrides manageability.
I won't be doing ladders, tunnels, fast roping, or MC1-1'ing anytime in the near future... so I'll be okay with a bare bones playtime steel gun.
I'm thinking the Magpul is probably the fastest, but I don't like the idea of stuff clinking around. The KZ is the simplest looking and probably the safest bet for two wraps of 550. I don't like Blackhawk stuff... mostly because their stuff often smells like it was made in Vietnam by dying slave children.
Last edited by Plan9; 06-02-2009 at 07:54 PM..