Originally Posted by llama_llama
Hi all has anyone had any increase in wrist and hand thickness when going up in strength of handgrips. I know this might not apply to redjake cause from your vids your hands and wirst are already on the bigger side. So any guys with skinny wrist/hands seen any improvement .
I just want to settle this debate its annoying everyone knows the tendons (everything else) in the hand and wrist will get thicker ... but the question is how much ? would it even be noticable.
Thanks redjake you inspired me to pick up my hand grips closing CoC 1, 7 times on right hand and once on left iam gunning for you mate 
I did have larger than average hands prior to the world of Crush but I doubt the grips will change your hand or wrist size. However, your forearms will show MASSIVE increases in size. I have probably gained and entire inch in circumference around my forearm, and they are now as hard as a cinder block - it literally feels like adamantium bone underneath my skin on that section of my arm (elbow to finger tips). It's pretty awesome.