Originally Posted by aceventura3
alito, indicated what I have said, that we all have biases, our goal with the law should be to minimize those biases.
From what I am reading she seems to be saying pretty much the same thing.
Originally Posted by aceventura3
How about an honest response to my question. was she pandering to her audience with her comment? That is a part of context as well as the words surrounding her comment.
She might be speaking to a specific audience, yes. I have no problem with tailoring your speech to a specific audience. But again, when viewed in the context of all of her rulings (actions speak louder than words) she appears to be a solid candidate.
I don't think what she said is especially inflammatory at all. Rather, it think this needless nit picking and pulling a fraction of what was said out of context is extremely inflammatory. Just as I find much of what the GOP is doing these days is inflammatory rather than inciteful.
Originally Posted by aceventura3
Seems some want to pick and choose their "context" reference points. But I stand by the view that her comment was clear and stands on its own.
I am glad you are resolute in your clarity but from where I am sitting your position looks rather fogged in the steam coming from the right.