Originally Posted by dlish
the ritual a more regional issue than an islamic one
Yes, or perhaps some regions have bad imams or a bad mix of spiritual beliefs with their islam. Either way I don't think Islam as a whole has a problem with the way they circumcise.
I wouldn't do it to my child, my wife's (she's american) only opinion on the matter is that his future girlfriend might get freaked out by it, or make fun of it. So the fuck what?
I grew up in america, have shared locker rooms with cut boys, I don't have a complex about my extra bit of skin, and if my wife (then gf) got used to it, who's to say my future son's SO won't?
I don't like that cutting off part of your penis is the norm, at least in America, but I don't think I'd call it genital mutilation, because, if carried out well, your genitals work fine. This is more of a cosmetic surgery at birth than anything else, which to me is almost as bad. Still, I wouldn't want anyone taking a blade close to my child's penis. That's just too big a risk.
Your boy might get made fun of for a flap of skin, but what about if he had half a head? Or a diagonally cut one? Or some other weird scar?