Originally Posted by twistedmosaic
I know you said 'no family and friends' type-stuff, but...I am a little bit envious of my paternal grandfather. He knows how he will die, and that it will be near-instant, painless, and in the relatively near future: He has a large inoperable brain aneurism (a bulge in a vessel caused by thinning walls). It will eventually burst, as likely as not in his sleep, and that will be that.
One year ago tomorrow my step mother experienced exactly that. Within minutes she was gone, however her body lived for another day. Our fear was that her body would continue in a vegetative state. Fortunately for all, it did not. We (including her) knew it could happen at any time and we were somewhat prepared but in the end, no. It was terribly sad. My uncle died in his sleep three years ago. Peaceful for him but hell on my aunt who woke up to find him gone. It was so sudden, no one was prepared. We were all so shocked by his passing. My father in law died in hospice after being there for 16 days due to the ravages of cancer. We watched his body disappear. I do not believe he was in pain although he was unresponsive for much of his time there. It was hell for us and a relief when he passed. I don't really know if there is a good way. It may be easy on the deceased but terrible on the family. Or vice versa.