Do you enjoy being given flowers as a gift?
Would you prefer cut flowers or living potted flowers?
I'm pretty much ok either way. But don't get me cut lilies. They're worthless after they die since you can't pot them, root them or dry them.
Do you enjoy placing them on display?
Of course!
Do you have allergies that prevent you from enjoying flowers?
Thankfully no.
What are your favorite flowers to look at?
callas, roses and I love houseplants (dish gardens)
What flowers have your favorite scent?
I don't think any. I don't really love flowers for their scents - just their beauty. However I did plant some moonflower seeds this year which are supposed to release a gorgeous scent when they bloom at night. We'll see.
Have you been given flowers at the start of a date?
Once lol.
If so, how did it impact the date?
It was a blind date. He was nice looking so the flowers were a great bonus. However by night's end, I couldn't wait to get home, change into my pajamas and watch tv ALONE lol.
Were you ever given flowers for Valentine's Day?
Have you ever been given flowers in reward of an accomplishment?
I don't recall if so. Unless you consider growing a year older an accomplishment lol.
Have you ever asked for flowers?
Sadly, yes. Some guys are just stupid and don't understand women NEED flowers every so often!