"Twenty degrees and the hockey games on..." so are you where this hockey game took place?
Are you at this club in Boston? ...if so, I don't know the name of the place if it really exists or if it's just a song fantasy
"It was February in Boston, and I was cold and wanted to go home. Rum and tonic was the antifreeze, and the newspaper was full of ads for warmer climates. I was in a place owned by Derek Sanderson, who was a very famous player for the Boston Bruins in the 70’s. I came out of the bar and couldn’t find a cab except for the one that was running in front of a nearby hotel. There was no driver in it, and I was too cold to think about the consequences. There is an old Navy expression which says, “Beg forgiveness, not permission.” I hopped in and drove the cab back to my hotel. I did leave the fare on the seat.” - Jimmy
Last edited by BadNick; 06-01-2009 at 03:41 AM..