Originally Posted by Tully Mars
I'm not really arguing anything here. Just trying understand what makes one group a religion and another a cult. I mean Scientology charges people for sessions with "E" meters. The Catholic church serves up some wine and a little wafer and tells people it's the blood and body of their savior. Both sound pretty goofy to me. I'd say cult like even.
The bolding done by me in your quote is the major distinction that you are either missing, or choosing to ignore. I think most people that are ant-Scientology could care less what version of the spaghetti monster they chose to worship.
Since my earlier examples were disregarded, I will try and demonstrate it based soley on your quote.
Any Catholic can receive communion, without a checkbook or credit card. The same
can not be said for Scientology.
Most religions are interested in saving
everyone from hell/evil/darkness, whereas Scientology is only interested in "saving" those who can afford it.