When I was in high school, I volunteered frequently. I belonged to the Key Club (high school version of Kiwanis - a charitable organization). I went to daily meetings at my high school. I volunteered 40+ hours a semester at a variety of charities. I never felt that invested though. It was always about the hours - competing against other members in hours served.
My high school gave us two weeks off our junior year to volunteer full-time with an organization. I volunteered with an organization that served mentally handicapped children. I never felt particularly invested there either.
Since graduating from high school, I have volunteered here and there, but again, I haven't felt invested in a cause. Now, I have two young kids and I don't feel like I have the time to volunteer anywhere. I volunteer at my daughter's school, but I'm always a little hesitant. I think that the director of the school is embezzling funds. Why invest in a school if it supports the director's theft?
My wife is trying to figure out a way to volunteer with my daughter for a week full-time at the humane society. Hopefully, that will work out. I need to find a charity that I feel some passion about and volunteer there.