Originally Posted by macmanmike6100
And although I personally discount that 25 need be a "quarterlife crisis," I can't help but wonder if there isn't a bit of truth in it. I recognize this is the time for really making a "person" out of myself...Ultimately, the question that we all face, Who am I really? And then, how do you share "you" with the world?
The "quarterlife crisis" is new to me, I only knew the "midlife crisis" until your post.
Even so, I think, any evidence to the contrary, that it's all bunk.
If you continually try to compartmentalize your life, and achieve perceived societal goals within that time frame you are going to be a very unhappy person.
The "midlife crisis" gives people permission to behave irrationally and blame it on a crisis that they have no control over, something that is biological and it's just not their fault.
I have no idea what the "quarterlife crisis" is supposed to provide people with.
You can ask 1000 people how they felt and what they perceived at the age of 25 and you will get 1000 different points of view.
I'm a little concerned that you feel you have to make every year better than the last. That it has worked so far is great! Trying to maintain that is unrealistic. You are going to
need those errant years of failure, dissapointment and rejection to shape yourself into what you want, where you are going and how you are going to get there.
It's not all butterflies and rainbows. Life is hard, it hurts, it's sometimes hated, it's so beautiful and it's permanent. This is all you have. You may not get what you want. You may get everything that you ever dreamed of.
What you can't do is spend your time alive trying to project into the future and what you want to be and where you want to be, who you want to be.
You need to embrace what you have, who you are, what you do and simply be happy that you are alive, today.
That is a simple thing of life, but it can change tomorrow. Hopefully your tomorrow won't come for a long time. But remember, tomorrow doesn't always come.