Thread: Composting
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Old 05-31-2009, 08:09 AM   #1 (permalink)
I'm not a blonde! I'm knot! I'm knot! I'm knot!
raeanna74's Avatar
Location: Upper Michigan

I have searched the web for any info I can find on composting. Most of the sites are trying to sell you SOMETHING, from how-to books to composting barrels and things. I am looking for tips and suggestings from any of you who have tried composting.

Here's where I'm at so far. I have 'built' a box out of square concrete blocks with plastic lattic for two opposite sides so that I can slide them out and get a shovel in to stir things up. I have put lots of leaves, grass clippings, and weeds in there. I've already discovered lots of big nightcrawlers living in there. I have not added any kitchen peelings or things that would draw animals since I'm not sure how to deal with that. I am guessing I should have a more substantial box with a lid but not sure how to go about that. We have raccoons in our area, but haven't been visted by any that I know of; bears, although not reported IN town we still live within 6 blocks of woods and a couple miles from a national forest; and we'll probably have other rodents like skunks.

My main questions are:
1. How much open area (like with the lattice) do I need for the pile to breathe.
2. How sturdy should I make it. A garbage can with holes, concrete blocks, or wood slats.
3. How do I avoid drawing critters.
4. How do I avoid getting a smell.
5. How often should I turn it over.
6. What materials are recommended for me to put in it. - I know, no meats.
7. What ratio of materials - I read in one place that it should be half and half brown and green materials.

Thanks for any input you have.
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