Originally Posted by Zenturian
"I would hope that a wise white man with the richness of his experiences would more often than not reach a better conclusion than a latina who hasn't lived that life."
Yes, it is racist. If a white man had said that he would rightfully be hung out to dry. A Latina says it and there are all kinds of excuses why it is ok and how the context is taken wrong.
ANY PERSON in politics should, IMHO, should not focus on race/creed/sex/etc but on the content of character. Because politics should not be about appeasing specific groups but about ALL people and making government responsive and accessible to ALL people.
We will continuously have deep problems and issues in this country until politicians and the media decide that ALL people deserve respect.
Go to the reparations thread.... my feeling is you invest in ALL people in poverty and give them chances yet some see that as racist. Some want one group to do better than others. WHY? Is that one group better and more deserving?
For a politician to say "I can make better decisions because I'm polka dotted and have lived a life that striped people would never know" is interesting but a false statement and very prejudicial and racist. I would trust that politician less in their decisions, as they would seem radical and more likely to favor the polka dotted people even if the polka dotted people were wrong.
If a politician says, "I admit I'm from an area where my experiences may be different than others and because of that reason, I feel more capable of offering a different viewpoint, however, all people deserve to be heard fairly and the decisions made need to benefit not just the few but ALL." That's something I can agree with and trust.
One is very divisive and racist the other is honest and offers an opinion that may very well be logical and make sense.
To have a SC Justice using the divisive statement and not the more prudent one makes me wonder if 1) that person is racist and 2) shows me that is not the sign of someone out for the best interests of the many.