Originally Posted by roachboy
you're joking, right?
dippin actually took care of this canard pretty well already. if you read what's already in the thread, i can't see how you'd still be maintaining your position.
the right's got nothing on her. this is nonsense shows that to be the case.
Nonsense, that about sums this up.
Comparing La Raza to the KKK? Might as well compare the NAACP to the KKK. One tries to build up the other tear down. La Raza has such leftest supporters as GW Bush and John McCain. They've had separatists funders like the Ford Foundation contribute to their organization. Calling La Raza a racist organization is at best ill informed.
And as you point out the statements she made regarding race, taken in complete context, isn't exactly racist at all. Go look up what Alito or O'Connor have said regarding race and gender and compare those comments to Sotomayor's. I think you'll many similarities. I don't remember anyone freaking out when Alito said-
I have to think about people in my own family who suffered discrimination because of their ethnic background or because of religion or because of gender. And I do take that into account.