Originally Posted by Willravel
I'm pleasantly surprised. I respect those listeners a great deal for being mature and honest enough to stick to the facts. It's not always an easy thing to do, especially when you have your ego invested in something the way many torture supporters do.
And therein lies the sole aspect of this whole thing that still retains a glimmer of interest to me.
This is such a testosterone-laden discussion. Waterboarding isn't torture, it's just a splash on the face, and all those sissy trrists can't handle a taste of their own medicine. I was interested to see how this paradigm as I perceive it would react to Mancow's reversal on the subject, and what implications this might have for the overarching discussion.
I don't see many people denying that waterboarding is torture, now. They may be out there; there's too many filters in my way when it comes to American political debates for me to be 100% up to speed all the time, but it seems from what I do see that the vocal proponents of the practice have all but disappeared. Whether this is a direct consequence of the actions of Mr. Cow, or simply the result of a larger trend, I'm not certain. I suspect the latter, but really can offer no authority here.
This little drama seems played out to me. Some pundit thought he was relevant, and for a brief instant maybe he even was. Time to move on to important stuff now.