That was already debunked Derwood. You see, since waterboarding is illegal, he was threatened with arrest for going through with it - even though it was consensual. In order to avoid the Chicago police from preventing the event from taking place, they passed it off as a hoax, or a radio stunt in their promotion of the event.
Originally Posted by Mancow
We kept telling management, the insurance companies, and the local Chicago cops we weren’t really going to do it until we did. Otherwise, they weren’t gonna let us do it! We got a U.S. Marine that told us he had studied how to do it and he volunteered to waterboard me in return for a mention of his charity.
Seems that even if it's consensual, it's still illegal.
It also seems that it wasn't a hoax.
The whole story, with video from Keith Olbermann, can be found