Originally Posted by genuinegirly
....I obsess over efficiency. I always want to find the most efficient manner possible to complete any one given task. I will repeat tasks several times until I find the fastest method that allows for the least error. I will time myself and attempt to beat previous times for any one task while increasing accuracy. This comes into play with many daily tasks: ironing clothes, brushing teeth, showering, washing and brushing hair, cooking meals, planting and tending Arabidopsis, feeding pets, writing papers, completing assignments, editing photographs, measuring, counting.
With efficiency comes habit.
With habit comes organization.
With organization comes cleanliness.
All of these subsidiary obsessions are essential branches from the desire for efficiency.
Most of what gg writes applies to me also. I hate inefficiency, and I also hate bad product design, especially if it is overly complex, like the radio in a BMW that I once borrowed from a friend.

But I also hate to fly, so I will (inefficiently) drive half way across the country several times a year.

But, by the most efficient route, of course.

But my real obsessive/compulsive thing is that I count things. I'll count cars going by, bushes in a yard, notes in a measure, etc, and I irrationally remember numbers.

I can recite every housenumber, phone number, and license plate number that I have ever had. Weird. I've done the counting thing since I was a small child.
On the other side of it, I think that I can honestly say that I have never experienced boredom. My mind is just too active to be bored.