Originally Posted by Zeraph
To rephrase, how much do you become unique, that is something beyond upbringing, experience, and genes?
You don't. You won't become truly unique without factoring in upbringing, experience and genes. You can't because they are already influencing who and what you are.
Now, you can take those influences and apply them to what and how you are feeling but they will always color your behavior.
You can only become unique within the parameters of your upbringing, experience and genes.
Originally Posted by Zeraph
In other words I'm changing in a way that is not connected to genes or environment.
Are you certain? No. You can not be certain that nature or experience isn't shaping or changing the way you currently feel. Some of the experience happened before you have conscience memory. Of course, you can't feel your genes working.
You don't need to identify the scientific reason for why you are feeling the way you do. You need to identify the remedy. What do you need to do in your life to make yourself happy?
Does it matter if it's your genes or your upbringing? Don't try and separate nature vs. nuture. Identify who and what you are, how to achieve what you want out of life.
You have one short life. Don't apply labels, don't worry for the reasons. Live, love, laugh, cry and mostly, live how you see fit. Your life is yours, it does not belong to anyone else. You do not need to look for or fabricate justification to live the one, short life you have.
Time will pass, you will get older whether you want to or not. The problem is you get wiser the older you get, you can look back, think "I could have done that better". To no avail. You can't go back in time.
The dream is to look back and think, I lived, I loved, meh I could have done it better, but damn, what a great life I had. Love who you are, what you are and where you are going. You only get one life, the best you can do is try and not fuck it up.