Originally Posted by Xerxys
Martian this wasn't a **puts on whiny voice** "Please Stop picking on Nickelback, They're not bad, just misunderstood" type of thread.
I actually wanted to know why y'all hate Nickelback. Most of you were in agreement that to change styles is the way to go for a band. If that was the case, then Linkin Park would still not be here. I disagree with changing styles too much. I would rather hear a song and go like "Ooo Ooo Ooo, I know who sang that, wait could it be ... " Yep. I'm one of those. So in essence you answered the wrong question but thanks for trying.
And if you think you can sing better than Chad Kroeger or that his tone is flat then your really just bashing for little or no reason at all. If your gonna pick on something then give the devil credit where it's due. But ohh well...
And this is what I don't understand. You asked why people don't like Nickelback and got a few answers. You then attempted to show how those reasons are invalid.
I don't like Nickelback because every bloody single they ever put out is exactly the same. There's nothing new to catch my interest. I don't like Linkin Park or pretty much any of the other bands you've mentioned so far for exactly the same reason. I have no problem with you or anyone else enjoying their music, but that is why
I don't like them.
Jinn, nobody's said anything about selling out to my knowledge. The sole issue that's come up here as far as I can see is that Nickelback is unoriginal. They hit on a formula and mined it to death. I may not particularly like some aspects of what they do (I fucking
hate auto-tune, since it's been brought up), but I don't deny their right to do such things.
Electronic music is all contrived and artificial. It's also a valid artform. Some people get worked up about it because it removes a lot of the skill and technique that normal analogue musicians work so hard on, but it is a creative form of expression and requires a completely different set of skills that I don't even pretend to have. It's also not really my thing, but I won't get down on people for making it or enjoying it.
All kinds of problems start when people try to make objective statements about something that is inherently subjective.
EDIT - And for the record, yes I can sing better than Chad Kroeger. Lots of people can, as he's not a particularly good singer. Mainstream success != talent.