I think I can sing better than Chad Kroeger.
His tone is not flat since it's been autotuned to death ... but it has no real personality. It's all contrived. I'd rather hear a person singing slightly out-of-tune with a lot of personality than autotuned BS.
Not to say that a product like autotune doesn't have it's uses ... but to just blindly apply it across the entire vocal take is something I don't like (and I'm not talking about the Cher effect). But that's a topic for another thread.
Really, this all comes down to personal taste. I LIKE surprises in music ... I like music with substance. I don't think lyrics have to be bad high-school poetry. I don't think music has to be drop-D two-finger power chords.
But that's just me. I'm not judging anyone based on what music they like. Seriously, it doesn't matter to me at all if someone likes Nickleback or whatever floats your boat. Just as I am certain that it doesn't matter to you that I like Tom Waits or Leonard Cohen (speaking of out-of-tune vocals).
I don't even judge the bands themselves. If they honestly enjoy what they do then great: keep doing it and keep getting paid for it.