Originally Posted by Charlatan
Question to Conservatives: If Obama appears to be doing what you've wanted done, why all the sour grapes?
No sour grapes, I just call them like I see them. Obama has no conviction. I think that is the worst possible trait one can have has a leader. I disagree with Hilery Clinton on most major issues, but I respect her for saying what she believes and being consistent with that. And as I have stated previously I would have voter for her before voting for McCain, because I see McCain as a person who lacks conviction as well.
Seems to me you should be supporting him. If not, why not?
Ever notice when Obama speaks he alsway takes both sides of an issue and that he creates straw man arguments that he easily defeats. For example - he is for holding teachers accountable and against doing anything to make teachers accountable, and he is against the false argument that you can improve the schools by firing good teachers.
I often get a headache trying to figure out his actual position on important issues. For example what is his position on gays in the military? Do you know? Can you explain it?