I really hate most music on the radio to the point where I haven't listened to it in years. Nickelback's lead singer sounds like a dog trying to sing (honestly, picture a dog bark combined with a human singing). Every song sounds the same, and, worst of all, the people who honestly like Nickelback think it's "hardcore metal" or "hard shit" or "hard rock" when it's the equivalent of a male Britney Spears with guitars.
And yes, I hate the rest of the bands you mentioned, and most people who hate Nickelback hate them also. My mind simply can't enjoy music that sounds like a machine made it (which is what most songs on the radio sound like). Britney Spears songs are engineered to be enjoyable the first time you hear them and get you to buy the album; same shit is in effect here.
Really the only music I can listen to is a very, very small sample of metal and a slightly larger sample of electronic music.
---------- Post added at 01:49 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:32 PM ----------
Originally Posted by Jinn
I'm in such a minority when it comes to discussing music, in that I absolutely love any song that makes it to Top40.
Actually you are the majority.