In my opinion, Silver Side Up was just a decent album. Once that hit though, every Nickelback song got played on the radio every five minutes and I got hugely burned out on them. Their lyrics and music are bland and generic (much like the other bands mentioned in comparison) and yet, we are being forced to listen to them all day, every day. I also have a problem with how they play to the hard rock/heavy metal image. If you listen to them, you realize they are just another cookie-cutter pop band. There is nothing "hard" or "edgy" about them or their music and unfortunately, bland is what sells to the masses. This is all fine, if that's what you like in your music but that's not exactly my cup of tea. Don't tell me they're an edgy, relevant hard rock band because they're not...and PLEASE...STOP playing that sappy "Gotta Be Somebody" 80's pop ballad on the hard rock stations right after an advertisement claims your station plays "everything that rocks"!
What happened to rock anyway? Since when did everything get all whiny and bitchy about feelings and women? I want my sex, drugs and rock and roll attitude back is all I'm saying.
Just my two cents.