Opinion: Nature vs Nurture
In this discussion, nature = genetics and/or souls (if you believe in them)
nurture = life experience
Once we're an adult, how much of your personality, the 'you' that makes you 'you', do you think is caused by nature (and vice versa?)
Personally I believe in some sort of soul, won't get into why, but I do. And the older I get, the more my 'soul' comes out. The normal (parents, peers, and genetics) nature and nurture aspects held much sway when I was younger. I was mostly a product of my genetics and parenting. But now, 20+ I'm seeing pieces of me that I sort always felt were there, become more dominant in a seemingly unconnected way to experience and what I would expect. In other words I'm changing in a way that is not connected to genes or environment.
Though I suppose I may be wrong and am just imagining the soul/X-factor.
How do you feel about it all?
PS this isn't the reasoning I used to come to the conclusion of some sort of soul...totally different topic, not what I'm trying to discuss. To rephrase, how much do you become unique, that is something beyond upbringing, experience, and genes?