Droplets - Nitrome - Play Free Games
A game where the player must carefully drop rabbits onto landing pads, avoiding moving objects and trying to hit the higher scored pads.
Every level adds a new layer of frustration in Droplets, the newest from Nitrome. Despite the title, there's no water falling from the sky — only little bunny-like creatures. From the top of the gameplay area, drop the pixelated long-eared "droplets" in the right place and the right pixel, at the right time and the right angle, to collect carrots and enough points to advance to the next level.
Frustration may cause you to throw your mouse pad across the room, but with Droplets, there's something addictive about the challenge. It's similar to both Nitrome's own Small Fry and Plinko, the classic game from The Price is Right, but its obstacles and adorable graphics are enough to set it apart.
My Take: I had 15 minutes of free time yesterday before my day was done, and I just stumbled upon a new game by my newly-discovered indie developer in Nitrome Ltd. As outlined above, the game Droplets seems simple enough to conform to: line up your floppy-eared, pixelated-bunnies at the top of your screen, and just let 'em go. Watch as they gracefully fly through the air, or plummet to the ground screaming, depending on your technique and/or expertise. I found it a great little diversion to the monotony of my day, but it really consumed me whole as I noticed nearly two hours later that I was still trying my hand at completing
just one more level. It is a simple game experience that is easy enough to catch your interest, but quite difficult enough in the later levels that you'd consider it an accomplishment that you made the minimum score to advance.
Power Up - Nitrome - Play Free Games
A physics-based game in which the player must connect two robot heads by shifting a set of boxes into a specific order. Different boxes sport varying characteristics (for example, monster blocks move, honey blocks stick to anything and Tesla blocks conduct electricity through air if a pair of them are close enough).
On each level, you'll find two robot heads. One's surging with luscious electric beauty, while the other could use a bit of a charge. Your goal is to create a path of metal blocks to transport some of that electric power from the first robot head to the second. This is done by grabbing blocks with the mouse and carrying them where you want them to go. When your path reaches the goal, you've still got to hold your breath for another few seconds for the robot to charge, so you'd better hope your building isn't too precariously made!
I don’t know if I will write more about this game, because I can’t complete it! But I’ll try!
My Take: What can I say about this game to accurately describe its intrigue? Challenging, for one, is a given, taking into account the virtual physics it employs in-gameplay. But it is nowhere near the descriptor necessary to get a
true feeling of this engrossing flash-puzzle. Unless you have a flair or liking for heavy-thought process games, this is probably a maze you'd best avoid, because it will frustrate nearly all to no end trying to complete the circuit solution. Sometimes the control are too sensitive, but then again, at times unresponsive for upwards to a second; but despite the previous glitches once found in the game, most have been addressed and fixed, which allows you to proceed slowly but surely with the torture in building a veritable tower of Babel to create a viable spark. It is an interesting take on the classic "Point A-Point B" game, and will probably bring you to smile a few times at your ingenious solutions. Though, for those that have skittish patience, I'd give you heed to not push this game for too long; it'll push back and might have you scrounging for your mouse in the backyard.
I'll say this, for those that make it past Lvl. 13, consider it a
HUGE accomplishment, because the difficulty in this game ramps up quite quickly and heavily past Lvl. 3. If you are a true puzzle fanatic, this game is good test of your skills in playing a mad architect that can never get enough jolts of juice. However, moderation is perhaps the best solution, and this is good example of a game that is perhaps ideal in smaller doses; it'll lose you sleep assuredly if you don't quit.