Originally Posted by ASU2003
What items would FEMA never recommend, but if society breaks down, you would want? If a serious disaster happened (nuclear, EMP pulse, chemical release, massive killer flu outbreak, ...) the government will not be able to handle everyone's safety and survival needs. Each situation is different, but what would you want in a worst case scenario? From losing power for eight days to where people are killing each other for the last can of food type of situation?
So, assuming the very worst case scenario, and no electricity or water:
Night vision goggles
Hand sanitizer and lots of it
Rubber bands
Paper clips (don't underestimate your inner McGyver!)
Super glue
Assorted boxes of nails and screws
Caulking gun and caulk
Huge box(s) of trash bags
Gallon size or larger zip lock baggies
Wind up alarm clock and/or wind up watch (Someone will always have to be awake for security purposes)
"Gentle" type laundry detergent, Woolite, Ivory Snow, etc. It will rinse quicker and cleaner than regular types of laundry detergent.
Very large tub for laundry. Look in antique stores and ebay. Bonus is you can store alot of your survival kit stuff in it to save space.
Antibacterial wipes and lots of them
Clothes line and clothes pins
Camping style coffee pot intended for use over an open flame, and coffee. Think a disaster will piss you off? Wait until you don't have any coffee.
And talking about open flame, assume you will be cooking over one once the gas in your grill runs out. You will need pots and pans with handles that won't melt, some thick towels, very thick potholders, oveglove, for removing pots from fire, a large sturdy rack, similiar to what you cool cookies on but much much stronger or it won't hold:
15qt-18qt pot. Don't underestimate the need for boiled water, warm water etc. And if you are cooking wildlife, you'll need it.
Very sharp knives
Axe and hatchet
Chainsaw with plenty of gas (depending on disaster type)
talking about gas, a home generator will use approx. 5gal in 11 hours under a light load, so 10gals isn't going to last long at all
Weapons: While an assault rifle is good for long range shooting, or putting out a lot of lead quickly, nothing does the job up close and personal like an auto loading 12ga. Preferably, 3in. magnum 00 buck. As far as a handgun, the 45 ACP is proven to be the ulitimate man stopping handgun, and you won't accidently shoot an innocent 3 blocks away. I know, the 9mm has high capacity magazines compared to the average 45 with 7 and one in the pipe, BUT, the 9mm doesn't hit half as hard as the 45. Blunt force weaponary always wins. As an added bonus you can get light load for the shotgun so you can shoot small game.
Go to Google Earth and print a 5 or 10 mile radius of your home. When you are on the ground, no phone, no internet, no tv or radio, nice to know where you are and what is around you. You can also check out farther for water sources, woods for game, etc.
Vegetable seeds. For about $15 you can get all you need. Don't forget to replace them every year.
Fishing gear
Make sure your medical kit includes sutures
Cigarettes, if you smoke, you're good to go, if not, they will probably become a very useful bartering tool
Liquor, 86 proof and above, another useful bartering tool and you may need it for medicinal purposes
A book from the USDA or wherever that will identify edible plants, berries and wildlife. Not all animals are safe to eat. Preferrably from your local Extension Office, because it will be area specific.
Find a book that addresses how to kill, dress and clean various animals, possum, racoons, squirrels, snakes, etc.
Pre 1900 or some early 1900 cookbooks (from the heartland, not New York City) have more than recipes that you will be able to use over an open flame, they talk about how to wash clothes with wood ashes, make soap, store food, dry food, home medicinal recipes, and basically half the books are living without electricity and modern conveniences
Leatherbound notebook for keeping track of where you found game, things you need to remember like locations of water/fish/game people that are friendly or not friendly, and basically a diary. Some day someone will want to know what the hell happened.
Camera, if you survive, some just won't believe what you've seen.