Originally Posted by twistedmosaic
Why does anyone need to be protected from seeing 'Fuck Off'? They're just words, and my daughter will know what they mean as soon as she's old enough to be curious.
If kids don't know what the words mean, why does it offend, and if they DO know what the words mean, why does it matter?
First of all, i am pleased to see that you didn't go for my jugular personally but rather questioned my views...thank you.
Secondly, "words" are never just "words". That's why Webster went to the trouble of differentiating between all of them. Btw, he says the F word "is considered offensive to prevailing notions of propriety"
Thirdly, let's try this scenario: "little susie" asks Daddy, "what does "fuck off" mean? He can't exactly say, " well, little puppyface, it means... be on your way and make sweet love to your soulmate, my dear friend". No, instead he has to introduce his innocent towhead to anger, vedictiveness, and the disrespectful term of the sacred act of making love. It's true that little susie will learn this eventually but what right does Mr. "Fuckoff" Mohawk have of provoking that discussion too early? Let children enjoy their childhood innocence for as long as possible.
I'm not faulting anyone for using it in here as this is an adult forum...although I have to say, i'm new and tiptoeing around it as best i can. Sorry but i just can't help feeling uncomfortable with it...although occasionally i do find myself laughing at comments using it.