I've overdosed on Ambien, OTC cold medicine, Theraflu, and Rx painkillers and at first it was a little scary because my heart was beating crazy fast and then my breathing got loud and heavy and I was like, "If I die, I'd rather not be alone." so I went to my mom and sat down beside her and she was freaking out and thought I was having an asthma attack. But, it didn't hurt.
At the hospital all I wanted to do was sleep while they tried to revive me and I didn't know what the heck was going on. They asked me how much medicine I took and why and I was just like, "I didn't feel good and I have school tomorrow.......I need to sleep... Night..." and I closed my eyes and I was soooo comfortable even though they kept pinching me and slapping my arms and face.
Overdosing on all that all over again would be a nice way to go. But, this time, I'd already know what's going on. And then eventually I wouldn't care and I'd be like, "haha you guys are crazy."
BUT.. bad thing about overdosing: My friend overdosed a few months ago and she was in an awkward position and she messed up her leg... so now she limps and wears a brace and she's gonna be wearing that brace and limping all her life. When I overdosed, my pulse was irregular and my heart got weak. But, I'm getting slightly better.
I've always wondered what it feels like to be instantly smooshed....