Originally Posted by FuglyStick
I didn't see your other post until after I had started this thread, cybermike.
The first half of the film started so promising; I agree, it was completely captivating until it changed into a torture porn flick. A lot of people are completely enamored with the film, people whom I usually respect for their taste in movies. For me, the second half of the film completely countered all of the positive points it earned in the first half.
But the acting and direction were excellent.
That's cool, posts in that thread are easily lost in the crowd.
I agree the last act really lowered my opinion of the film. It was a valiant effort though. Like I said, I just wish they had done more to solidify the relationship between the girls and dropped the torture porn. I think the major praise is coming from people that can look past or enjoy the torture porn aspect of the movie. I've recommended it to a few people, I pretty much told them that I guarantee they'll enjoy the first half of the movie, the second half is pretty unpredictable and I honestly don't know how you'll react to it. Some people loved it, others agreed that the second half just ruined it.