Originally Posted by timalkin
So if you kill someone with their permission, that's not murder?
I'm not a doctor, but if I remember correctly killing someone causes permanent physical damage.
Originally Posted by timalkin
If you shoot someone with their permission, that's not attempted murder?
Again, not a doctor, but I'm pretty sure that causes serious physical damage.
Originally Posted by timalkin
If you burn down somebody's house with their permission, that's not arson?
Do you see Hollywood special effects people getting hauled in for burning down houses? No? That's probably because they have permission. If I were to burn down a friend's house with his or her permission, I'd probably call the city and see what the legality was. I suspect it would break clean air laws in the area, but if the fire department gave me the okay (and the local fire departments give Myth Busters the okay on some really crazy stuff all the time), I would not be arrested for arson.
Originally Posted by Baraka_Guru
Dare I ask your opinion on the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki?
I wouldn't, he's got history with that question. Maybe ask him about the use of white phosphorus or botulinum toxin, as they're illegal but still within the theater of war.