Originally Posted by Infinite_Loser
It'd be a crime if the courts invalidated Prop 8. And, no, I don't say that because I don't agree with the idea of gay marriage, but because of the fact that the California state Constitution has been amended about a hundred times since it's creation, most-- If not all-- Through ballot initiatives. Prop 8 is just one in the long, long, long line of amendments. The only problem here is that California's Constitution is too easy to amend.
And existing marriages shouldn't be annulled. That'd just be cruel.
but it was a ballot intitiative that was unconstitutional, and should never have been put to a vote. it trampled all over homosexuals' right to equal protection under the California Constitution.
Originally Posted by Polar
Just want to make sure I have it right, Derwood:
Not wanting to receive death threats for giving money to a cause is seeking "special privilege?"
Gonna be tough to support a 'hate crimes' law with that attitude.
I have no idea what you're talking about