so ive been mulling over where i was going to put this thread.
it could have easily gone in nonsense, but even though i find it funny, there a lot more i got out of this small clip than just a laugh. so i've decided to put it in here and create a discussion about it.
heres the original video
so the story goes a little something like this.. there was a shooting in sydney in a place called Kings Cross. For those of you not in the know, Kings Cross is the red light district of sydney, and is well known the world over. It is also a major attraction for tourist, but is also a magnet for drugs, stabbings, crime and prostitution. nonetheless, it attracts huge crowds every weekend.
After the shooting, the cops came through, and of course the cameras came along. this young attractive lady decided to give her part of the story to reporters.
for one, she was cute, petite, attractive and believable. she gave her account and was thanked by the reporters for her story. her story was broadcast all over the internet and all over australia and the world.
her story was fabricated. it was filled with racist undertones and prejudices throughtout. it gave a false impression on many issues.
For those not accustomed to aussie slang - a 'wog' is a person who is from a meditereanean background. typically someone with dark hair and features, but could be middle eastern, italian, greek, cypriot etc. it is usually a word that is derogatory, unless used by 'wogs' themselves. (similar to the way african americans use the N word amonst themselves, and find that acceptable)
heres just a few of the issues i found.
1) the use of the word 'wog' numerous times like she's used it every day of her life. like the N word in the states or the K word in sth africa.
2) the impression that 'wog' family ties is justification for attempted murder within those circles.
3) that sydney is a dangerous place to live. people who have never been here get the impression that this is an everyday event
4) that guns are rampant in sydney and this sort of crime is an everyday occurance.
5) the widespread coverage she recieved even though it was totally fabricated!
theres more, but id rather start here and see what others took from it. shes become a sensation with songs being mixed about her quotes now...
has anyone heard of this event where you are?
this also goes along with the 'you faith in information' thread that shows that information can be fabricated or distorted and no one would bother question the person because she looked so believable
your thoughts?