Originally Posted by Polar
-- Just who decided it was a civil rights issue?
Many Blacks get upset when Gays try to put Gay Marraige on the level with the Civil Rights push in the 60s.
I don't know anyone who claims it is at the same level...but it is a civil rights issue.
If they are allowed civil unions recognized by law, are allowed then to have their mate be covered under their health ensurance, have entitlement to their life insurance, etc. then there is no civil rights issue.
There is more to it than that.
Not wanting to change the definition of marraige that stood for thousands of years is not violating someone's civil rights.
But making it illegal to validate their status as a family unit through marriage is.
If Gay Marraige is passed, either at a state or national level, it should be respected because it was voted and approved by the majority of Americans.
I agree. But the problem remains: a majority vote on an issue affecting a minority group.
I do not, however, see how this reaches a civil rights level issue.
Gay couples can't form "real" families? (i.e. via marriage). How is that not a civil rights issue?
As soon as Gays must ride the back of the bus, drink from a different fountain, use a different exit, then perhaps we have something to talk about.
As I mentioned: I don't know of any gays claiming the same level of abuse.
But with gay celebreties being celebrated for...well...being gay, programs such as "Queer Eye for the Straight Guy" and so on, it is difficult to feel the need to march in the streets, armed locked, singing "We shall overcome..."
Media perceptions and stereotypes are gross.
My take on it is that with human/civil rights issues, the federal government should be able to influence the states, and states should be immune to federal restrictions. It's a complex issue, and I don't currently have a way to fully articulate this point at the moment.