Originally Posted by Willravel
You compared black people to animals. There's no amount of back pedaling in the world to get out of that one.
OMG! I did what? Call the Police or the Army or the Geek Squad or something!!
Yeah thats right...I compared blacks to animals. Brilliant. I would do that. Blacks are dogs and cats, lets see...whites are narwals, mexicans are spanish minks (get it? there brownish), umm, japanese are mandrils, chinese are yellow canaries, uh, the french are poodles of course, germans are moose, eskimos are wild jackasses, hawaiians are green tree pythons, brazilians are dung beetles, and canadians are laughing jackasses.
You're that bratty, self-righteous, insecure kid who sat in the front and center seat in 6th grade history class and narced on anyone who shot spitballs, aren't you?