Originally Posted by Runningwater
I don't mind working out...but hell i sure would like to eat good food still  I wish I were one of those people who could eat whatever they wanted and not worry about it and still stay skinny (a friend from college comes to mind). Those types of people make me sad.
It could be worse!! Look at me! I have to eat 1,500 calories a day to MAINTAIN my body weight; if I increase it even 300 calories then I immediately start gaining weight, and this is with me working out every single day. You didn't eat healthy, nutritious meals all the time in college and you were still in great shape. I think the problem is eating out all the time and portion problems. It snowballs...the more you eat, the bigger you get and worse in shape you get, and then that makes you hungrier and hungrier until you have to eat 5,000 calories per day without getting sick. I was like that for 4 years and I know how it is. The only way to turn it around is to simply stop eating large quantities of "good" food combined with exercise.