ok, no one has posted in this thread in years...but geez after last nite I had to revive it
I have been an Adam fan since the audition shows, the boy is not only hot but an amazing performer...WHAT ABOUT THAT FINALE LAST NITE
for the first time I didnt want the show to be over
Kara in her bikini (I didnt think they would outdo the year Clay Aiken showed up to sing with his "biggest fan" as a surprise)
Adam with Kiss, I absolutely hate the song Beth, but Adam made me like it, and I do believe he outshone the rest of them during his performance with them
Cindi Lauper, who is still one of the most beautiful women in the world to me (and Dave, he'd have married her if he could, but he got stuck with me)
Rod Stewart (even though he didnt sound/look that great....I love him)
Adam and Queen oh man oh man oh man Can you just hear Adam and Freddie in your head singing together.....just another moment for me to really mourn the incredible loss of that man
I KNOW Im not the only one that watched it....I wanna hear what you thought
they are gonna be hard put to out do this finale in the future (IMO)
The best thing about Adam not winning is that I dont have to hear him do that god awful "idol song" and kudos to Kris for his first words (after "really?") being Adam deserves this
I want the diabetic plan that comes with rollover carbs. I dont like the unused one expiring at midnite!!