What the fuck is this going to be about? I have no clue at this point. I hope to decide as I type these lines. I am sure my inspiration will come from many places. Thoughts that are not my own but from movies and music lyrics. Some will probably seem really familiar, painting a picture someone else has already described to you. I hope not but I do desire to at least have an original thought or two of my own to contribute. As I think about where to take this piece of shit work I just started due to me being somewhat depressed about things I cannot put my finger on. I guess I will just write and see where it goes. This world we live in is fucked in my eyes. I see there is no point to the things we do. In the end we die. Then why do people strive to be something great, something they cannot keep a hold of? I wish I had some answers for you. My guess is we learn it from our parents and other adults in our lives. They know the reality and feed the little ones with all the sugar coated truths about things. How does one get smart and stay smart? No clue on this end. Sorry. I was hoping you could tell me. Books are probably the way to go to get some intelligence of any kind. That way a person could at least regurgitate some information up onto a plate so others could eat it up and sound smart for a few minutes too. Me, I read a book and can talk about it for about a week max then all details leave me behind. I can barely remember what point was to it. I have a hard time even telling others what the fuck it was about.