Originally Posted by The_Dunedan
I can help you with that. No woman has any business being unarmed.
I dont live in the States, and so it isnt for to say how true this is - but it really depressed me. Even if we can accept that men must be armed for self protection - as a society, as a civilised world, what has it come to that even some people who are rational and sane consider that even a woman must carry arms? Surely it should not come to this...
In terms of has my house ever been broken into - yes twice but not while I was in it, and I have a three foot length of copper piping by the bed that I could lay my hand on if it was really required, but I'd only swing at a guys knee's unless he was armed too. If he had a gun obviously I wouldnt resist, if he had a knife Id probably aim for the face...