Some atheists are very devoted to their particular philosophy, but more often than not they aren't acting on the kind of faith you might see in a religious person. They're acting on a faith in science and logic, observable and demonstrative evidence being used to establish the best truth available. With any new evidence, the truth changes and is more correct than the previous. It's about new information being factored in as soon as it can be verified.
If your belief in god is fed by the Bible, for example, there's not a lot of new information you're going to get after reading the books cover to cover a few times. Sure, you can discover new interpretations and perspectives on scripture, but it's not so much new as it is simply the same information from a different angle.
Neither of these points are necessarily bad or good, neither are intrinsically harmful or beneficial, though. That took me a while to figure out as I was going through my more militant atheist phase.