After some more thought, I would agree it was good as a sci-fi action flick, but the weakest film by far yet for bearing the Star Trek name. Seemed to me like a two-part televison episode with better effects showing a parrellel timeline , and not worth waiting for this many years after Nemesis.
My first thoughts after watching this were: this broke the "curse" of the odd numbered films "sucking" by joining them (opinions will vary, I rather enjoyed them personally), the Dr. McCoy portrayal was perfect, and "so just when did Scotty lose the middle finger on his right hand?"
Any sequel based in this timeline/universe would be hard pressed to get my interest, and less likely to be anything more than a netflix rental. I would be very interested in reading the stories in a novel form though.
Started talking to yourself I see.
Yes, it's the only way I can be certain of an intelligent conversation.
Black Adder