There are a few commercial brands. I use Bone Suckin Sauce regularly. SOunds good is good. Here in Colorado we have a spice shop that makes a bunch of options from spicy to maple to about anything you can imagine. If you live in a large town or city you might have one of those available as well. If you don't want the charring you should try indirect heat. In my big Green egg I have a ceramic disk that I set the rib rack on and you have no charring at all. depending on youR set up you can use some heavy duty foil double or triple thickness to be the barrier to the direct heat.
I usually cook at 225F until it falls apart. I do the same thing with brisket, pork roasts ( better with maple), lamb roasts ( I like rosemary rubs), Chicken using the beer can method as well!
If I was any better I'd have to be twins!