Facts your question is missing:
What size coke?
What time period are you allowing?
What concentration level are we talking about?
A 1-liter bottle of coke hase 55 moles (approximately--I am assuming it is all water, which isn't far from the truth) in it...which is 3.32*10^25 molecules
The volume of all of the world's oceans is approximately 1.38 billion cubic kilometers, or 1.38*10^24 dif cubic centimeters.
This means that given enough time to diffuse, there would eventually be 30 moleculees that used to be in your coke bottle (at that concentration I'd hesitate to call it 'coke') in every cubic centimeter of water in every ocean in the entire world!
twisted no more
Last edited by telekinetic; 05-16-2009 at 09:41 PM..