Best: Small city with authentic historic flavor and a surprising wealth of cultural activities, lots of good restaurants, access to public transportation, close proximity to natural outdoor spaces
Worst: Lack of bike friendly road infrastructure (they're working on that, allegedly), inexorable spread of suburban sprawl, being on the "iffy" end of town, the whore/flop house two doors down with obnoxious-as-hell yappy rat dogs that stay outside barking all day long
Location? Frederick, MD
If one million people replaced a two mile car trip once a week with a bike ride, carbon dioxide emissions would be reduced by 50,000 tons per year. If one out of ten car commuters switched to a bike, carbon dioxide emissions would be reduced by 25.4 million tons per year. []
Originally Posted by roachboy
it's better if you can ride without having to wonder if the guy in the car behind you is a sociopath, i find.