Star Trek - 9/10
Well done, for what it is. Do not expect any substantial science fiction thematic dilemma. This is a standard action movie set in space, but with enough characterization depth to make it a satisfying trip to the theater. This movie will not engage you beyond the most basic sensory receptors, but it does a number on the receptors it does engage. Spoiler: I felt like they over-used the old Spock.
Choke - 8/10
I've tried to write this short review about 3 times now, but the more I try to explain it, the more I feel like I should be rating it a 3 or a 4. Well, I'm giving it an 8 anyways. I liked it. The acting is bad. The directing and editing suck. The screenplay was a hack job. The soundtrack (or lack thereof) detracts more than it enhances. Still, Chuck Palahniuk's story shines through it all. This was just a vehicle to deliver the plot of a book in movie form. And I liked it.