Originally Posted by guccilvr
I'm totally in agreement that gangbangers and people who do nothing but cause problems are a waste. I'm just arguing that even though someone deserves something, often times it's best to let the people who are supposed to give out the punishment do it. Other wise we have PR nightmares and issues like this.
I completely agree. Am I devastated that the gangmember got hurt? No. Do I think he deserved it? Maybe. But that has nothing to do with whether the cop acted illegally and shelled out "punishment" instead of letting a judge do that. The cop needs to face the law just like the "alleged" gangbanger will.
Using unnecessary violence is just dumb. It could get you fired, your picture all over the news, and in the end the original "bad guys" could be (and often are) awarded money.
I hate to think about how many cops choose to use unnecessary force without it being taped or recorded somehow, and can going on living their lives as normal.
(Disclaimer, I'm not saying the cop in OP has a history of violence.)