Originally Posted by The_Jazz
I'm NOT assuming he has a history of similar incidents.
I'm NOT assuming he was wearing steel-toed shoes.
Me either. Immaterial. His past record and the construction of his footwear should have no bearing on whether or not he broke the law in /this/ incident.
I AM assuming that everyone here is aggitating for a felony assault charge.
If the DA had you on video kicking me in the head as I lay in the grass, what would you be charged with? That's what he should be charged with. Easy as that.
It doesn't matter whether or not he's a bad guy, or whether or not he's done this before. The cops aren't gonna look at you and say "well gee Jazz isn't a bad guy and he's never done this before, so it's totally fine that he booted shakran in the skull." You can have perfectly clean criminal record, and you'll still get charged with an assault if you kick me.
My question for you is, why should a police officer not be held to the same laws and consequences for breaking those laws, that he holds everyone else to?