I'm pretty sure you have all heard the story of the El <Monte officer who kicked the gang banger in the head yesterday after a high speed chase. I normally do not have the Tv on, but happened to yesterday and watched the entire chase with my heart up in my throat at every intersection they went through. I honestly expected any minute to see a major crash, because all regard to red lights was dismissed by these three guys in the car, or I should say the driver. I was actually relieved when I saw the driver exit his vehicle and take off running.
I also am fairly sure I am of the same state of mind as the majority of people who witnessed the kick to the head. Sure it was wrong, and should not have happened, but I also think the cop is only human and although they are trained extensively not to do just this sort of thing, it would be( in my estimation) almost impossible not to do something such as this. It really surprised me that the cop seemed to be unaware of the helicopters in the sky right above him. Someone said he must have thought they were police helicopters??
The thing that bothers me the most is the law suit that will come from this with the slime bag gang banger most likely getting a very large amount of money, when Los Angeles is already working way in the red.
I just wanted your opinions on the whole matter.
A mixed reaction to a use of force - Los Angeles Times