Originally Posted by Zeraph
Why do my hands still smell like bleach no matter how much I wash them? You'd think if they still smell like bleach they'd be eating away at my skin, but my hands are fine, they just smell.
Bleach breaks up oils and denatures certain proteins on your skin, leaving a porous, dry surface where bits of bleach stick around. Rinse them with white vinegar then rinse with water. The acetic acid reacts with the remaining hypochlorite ions, leaving a water soluble residue that rinses off. Any vinegar smell will wash off with soap.
Originally Posted by Xerxys
Why do tears BURN!!! Even when I yawn, they really sting!
Your eyes are probably irritated from rubbing them, and salt in irritation hurts. Even so, Ask next time you see an eye doctor or regular doctor just in case there's a bigger problem. You only have one set of eyes and you want to keep them in top shape.
Originally Posted by Xerxys
How do I stop the goddamn feeling of a stupid headache while at work, because once I get home, the headache goes away!!
You're stressed. Try this pressure point: find the triangle between your neck, trapezius muscle, and collarbone. Cross your arms, place your thumbs in that triangle, and pinch the trapezius as hard as you can tolerate. Hold for 30 seconds and release while exhaling. This pressure point will release a noticeable quantity of endorphines and relax you. It's even better if you can find someone else to do it, and have them massage your neck while your'e relaxed, which will stimulate blood flow to the brain.
Alternately, you're allergic to something at work and should take some Zyrtec.
Originally Posted by Wrexify
I'm guessing they must care much more about keeping the business of the bulk mailers than keeping yours or mine...
Q: Why have more birds designated my new car as a toilet within the first month than they EVER have with all of my previous cars combined?
Confirmation bias
Originally Posted by savmesom11
How important does a person have to be before they are considered assassinated vs. murdered?
In addition to conveying a sense of importance, the term assassination tends to indicate that a murder is ideologically motivated. If an individual has influence over any sort of political, social, or religious movement and is murdered in revenge, to silence them, or to reduce the morale of those who support their cause, it can be said that they were assassinated. This is a relative term, much like the terrorist/freedom fighter dichotomy.
This reminds me of a tangentially related quote by World's King when Dan Rather retired. It was something like "What the hell do they mean, Dan Rather 'stepped down' as an anchor? He retired. That's like saying the cast of Friends stepped down."
Why does round pizza come in a square box?
It would take much longer, require more cuts and folds, and require more resources to recycle the discarded pieces to make a relatively round box, especially when it comes to making a working lid.