I thought Adebayor already announced his loyalty to Arsenal? Is there doubt that he's genuine in that?
I've also heard rumors of a young central defender being linked to an Arsenal move.. fuck I can't remember his name..starts with a K and he's in the Prem. My mind has gone blank.
I think it would be a mistake to let Bendtner go. He seems like he could be Arsenal's super sub. Sagna would be another one to keep. In all honesty I'm really not that impressed with Fabregas. Although, if a rumor about a player leaving to Real or Milan pops up, take it with a case of salt. We all know how the press likes to make shit up with those teams.. i.e. Ronaldo.
I don't really know what Wenger needs to do; surely he's done well with young players and it's good for the game, but he needs experience like you say. United always has alot of experience coupled with alot of youth. United's money will be down some next year but it may be something that the Arsenal board might want to look at and copy.