Originally Posted by punkmusicfan21
I guess another point I should have made is indifference doesn't imply ignorance. You can completely understand either side and all of it's intricacies and still not care for one more then the other. Hate implies an ignorant and fiery dislike for something that could reach destructive and catostrophic levels (see: hate crimes).
Hate does not imply any ignorance. I hate religion and it's fanatics, but am more educated on the bible, Quran, Torah, Talmud, the Vedas, etc. than most fundamentalists. I hate pure capitalism, but am more familiar with the intricacies of a globalized market than most of the idiots investing in a market they don't understand. Obviously, I could list further examples, but the point is I'm not going to go kill religious people or blow up a stock exchange. Nothing catastrophic stemming from this hatred.
Originally Posted by punkmusicfan21
Of course I'm implying that you can't truely hate something you understand because understanding provides the ability to remove it from your life or at least have it explained away with logic. I could give an example but that would be tedious. And if you choose to "hate something" after it's completely understood you're being obtuse and ignorant. You can dislike things but to hate it is to want it abolished.
You further implication that hatred stems from ignorance is unnecessarily condescending and without any real reason as to why. I find it rather insulting.
My misanthropy has been cultivated only through my education. I am a student of history, and the one constant throughout human history has been it's cruelty towards itself. I'd really like to hope that the more mass information gets diffused and the world get smaller (mostly via the internet), that people will stop being so indifferent towards each other. However, I know this is a pipe dream.
Did that first caveman tie a sharpened rock to a stick to take down a giant mastadon, or did he do it because he wanted something his neighbor had, came up with a brand new way to kill him and steal it, and it just happened to be useful for hunting as well? If all the wars in recorded history are indicative or the wars of pre-history, I think that question becomes rhetorical.